the front cover of the book 'nothing is possible' the back cover of the book 'nothing is possible'

nothing is possible

edited by peer, 2019, free cultural work with multi-free-culture-licenses and author’s declaration

book, 369 pages, a5, published on the occasion of the exhibition blockchain is… / …for nothing by peers at, commissioned and presented by protocinema, istanbul, new york, at aetopoulos, athens, with support from spot contemporary art projects, istanbul, february 23 – march 23, 2019, aggregates all info and free/libre content of the exhibition, published by HTTPpRESS

created on ubuntu gnu/linux using gimp (gnu gplv3+) and libreoffice (mplv2.0) with terminus (ttf) fonts (ofl-1.1) and Liberation fonts (ofl-1.1). all content is free/libre under the following statement:

nothing is possible, 2019, free cultural work with multi-free-culture-licenses and author’s declaration:
this is a free cultural work multi-licensed with all free culture licenses
also with the the author’s declaration superseding the mediation of law:
you are encouraged to build on this work freely as a peer and encourage other peers to build on yours


/ Print quality PDF/A-1a file, 369 pages, a5, 179MB
/ Lower quality PDF/A-1a file for screen, 369 pages, a5, 6.37MB
/ Open Document Text(.odt) source project file with embedded fonts, 369 pages, a5, 139.3MB / The fonts used in the project file are terminus (ttf) (ofl-v1.1) and Liberation (ofl-v1.1)

the front cover of the book 'Karl Marx From the Other Side / Volume II: Istanbul, 2017'. the back cover of the book 'Karl Marx From the Other Side / Volume II: Istanbul, 2017'.

Karl Marx From the Other Side / Volume II: Istanbul, 2017

with drawings by Akakiy, Aleyna Ekşi, dimitri, emma emiliano, EN KAMUSAL BİLGİ ALANI, Fergül Çırpan, Fırat, İbrahim -_-_-, Lale Muşkara, Mebrure Dağlı, Nadir Özkan, NEDİM MOSKOWA, Ömer Sarıgül, tHeKhAn23, Truman13 & 6 anonymous contributors

An artist's book featuring drawings by 21 contributors who were asked to imagine and draw Marx from the other side and dedicate their drawings to the public domain for the project Karl Marx From the Other Side on the occasion of the exhibition Kitabın Yazgısı “fata libelli” (2017, Karşı Sanat & Mephisto Bookstore, İstanbul)

Artist's book, 46 pages

All content is dedicated to the public domain.


/ Print quality PDF file (249MB)
/ Lower quality PDF file for screen (9.49MB)
/ Open Document Text(.odt) source project file (259MB/ The font used in the project file: Source Sans Pro)

/ This book is available on Internet Archive

/ This book is also available in Turkish.

/ See also the Volume I of this book.

Karl Marx From the Other Side
İz Öztat & .-_-., 2012 & 2017

This artist's book features drawings by Akakiy, Aleyna Ekşi, dimitri, emma emiliano, EN KAMUSAL BİLGİ ALANI, Fergül Çırpan, Fırat, İbrahim -_-_-, Lale Muşkara, Mebrure Dağlı, Nadir Özkan, NEDİM MOSKOWA, Ömer Sarıgül, tHeKhAn23, Truman13 and 6 anonymous contributors made and dedicated to the public domain for the project Karl Marx From the Other Side on the occasion of the exhibition Kitabın Yazgısı “fata libelli” (2017, Karşı Sanat & Mephisto Bookstore, İstanbul)

Encountering the iconic image of Karl Marx mostly in institutional settings dedicated to engineering the legacy of socialism in unified Berlin, we realized that all the simplified depictions of Marx are almost identical.

We chose such an iconic portrait of Marx drawn by Namık İsmail in 1919 for the first issue of Kurtuluş (Befreiung), which was a socialist journal published by “Turkish Spartacists” in Berlin. This drawing was reproduced by printing the scanned linoleum prints we made and given to contributors, who were asked to imagine and draw Marx from the other side. The original drawings were scanned and destroyed to prevent them from being commodified in the future.

This work is a minor gesture to speculate and reflect on the specters of Marx at a moment marked by late capitalism and immaterial production, which aims to encourage the need for re-evaluating Marx’s writing on industrial production within today’s Post-Fordist conditions beyond just an iconic image of Karl Marx that we are presented with.

The first volume of this book consists of the drawings made on the occasion of the exhibition Underconstruction (2012, Apartman Project Berlin), where the project Karl Marx From the Other Side was exhibited for the first time. All content produced within the scope of this project is dedicated to the public domain.

the front cover of the book 'Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx Cilt 2: İstanbul, 2017'. the back cover of the book 'Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx Cilt 2: İstanbul, 2017'.

Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx / Cilt 2: İstanbul, 2017

Akakiy, Aleyna Ekşi, dimitri, emma emiliano, EN KAMUSAL BİLGİ ALANI, Fergül Çırpan, Fırat, İbrahim -_-_-, Lale Muşkara, Mebrure Dağlı, Nadir Özkan, NEDİM MOSKOWA, Ömer Sarıgül, tHeKhAn23, Truman13 ve 6 anonim katılımcının desenleriyle

Click here for English Edition of this book

Bu sanatçı kitabı Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx projesi için Karl Marx’ı arkadan hayal edip çizmeye davet edilen 21 katılımcının Kitabın Yazgısı “fata libelli” sergisi (2017, Karşı Sanat ve Mephisto Kitabevi, İstanbul) kapsamında ürettikleri ve kamusal bilgi alanına ithaf ettikleri desenlerden oluşmaktadır.

Sanatçı kitabı, 46 sayfa

Proje ve tüm içerik müellifleri tarafından kamusal bilgi alanına ithaf edilmiştir.


/ Baskı kalitesinde PDF dosyası. (249MB)
/ Ekran için daha düşük kaliteli PDF dosyası (9.49MB)
/ Open Document Text (.odt) kaynak proje dosyası. (259.1MB/ Kaynak projede Source Sans Pro fontu kullanılmıştır.

/ Bu kitabın baskı kalitesinde PDF dosyasını Internet Archive sayfasından da indirebilirsiniz.

/ Kitabın birinci cildi için tıklayın

/ Kitabın İngilizce versiyonu için tıklayın.

Proje Hakkında:
Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx
İz Öztat & .-_-., 2012 & 2017

Bu sanatçı kitabı Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx projesi için Akakiy, Aleyna Ekşi, dimitri, emma emiliano, EN KAMUSAL BİLGİ ALANI, Fergül Çırpan, Fırat, İbrahim -_-_-, Lale Muşkara, Mebrure Dağlı, Nadir Özkan, NEDİM MOSKOWA, Ömer Sarıgül, tHeKhAn23, Truman13 ve 6 anonim katılımcının Kitabın Yazgısı “fata libelli” sergisi (2017, Karşı Sanat ve Mephisto Kitabevi, İstanbul) kapsamında ürettikleri ve kamusal bilgi alanına ithaf ettikleri desenlerden oluşmaktadır.

Berlin duvarının yıkılmasından sonra sosyalist geçmişin nasıl hatırlanacağına yön veren kurumlarda karşımıza çıkan Karl Marx portrelerinin ikonlaşmış bir imgeye dayandığını fark ettik.

1919 yılında, Berlin’de “Türk Spartakist”leri tarafından yayınlanan sosyalist Kurtuluş dergisinin ilk sayısı için Namık İsmail tarafından çizilmiş ikonik bir Karl Marx portresini, yaptığımız linolyum baskıdan tarayıp çoğalttık ve katılımcılardan bunun diğer tarafına Karl Marx’ı arkadan hayal edip çizmelerini istedik. Toplanan bu desenleri dijital olarak taradıktan sonra, orijinallerini bir gün metalaşmaları ihtimaline karşı imha ettik.

Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx projesi geç kapitalizm ve gayri-maddi üretimin hakim olduğu bir ortamda, Karl Marx’ın hayaletleri üzerine spekülasyon yapmaya davet ederek, bize sunulan ikonik Marx imgesinin ötesine geçip, Marx’ın endüstriyel üretim üzerine yazdıklarının, bugünkü Post-Fordist üretim koşullarında tekrar değerlendirilmesini teşvik eden küçük bir jest.

Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx projesi kapsamında üretilen bu kitabın birinci cildi de, projenin ilk kez sergilendiği Underconstruction (2012, Apartman Projesi Berlin) sergisi kapsamında üretilen desenlerden oluşmaktadır ve proje kapsamında üretilen tüm içerik müellifleri tarafından kamusal bilgi alanına ithaf edilmiştir.

the front cover of the book 'Karl Marx From the Other Side / Volume I: Berlin, 2012'. the back cover of the book 'Karl Marx From the Other Side / Volume I: Berlin, 2012'.

Karl Marx From the Other Side / Volume I: Berlin, 2012

with drawings by .-_-., Artist, Berk Asal, Göksu Kunak, Grandchild of K.M, Ingo Frischeisen, ilse, İz Öztat, James Cameron, Senem, the new generation, Yaso, Zelda Marx & 12 anonymous contributors

An artist's book featuring drawings by 23 contributors who were asked to imagine and draw Marx from the other side and dedicate their drawings to the public domain for the project Karl Marx From the Other Side on the occasion of the exhibition Underconstruction (2012, Apartman Project Berlin). This book is published on the occasion of the exhibition Kitabın Yazgısı “fata libelli” (2017, Karşı Sanat & Mephisto Bookstore, İstanbul)
Artist's book, 50 pages

All content is dedicated to the public domain.


/ Print quality PDF file (88.6MB)
/ Lower quality PDF file for screen (4.11MB)
/ Open Document Text(.odt) source project file (47.6MB/ The font used in the project file: Source Sans Pro)

/ This book is also available on Internet Archive

/ This book is also available in Turkish

/ See also the Volume II of this book.

Karl Marx From the Other Side
İz Öztat & .-_-., 2012 & 2017

This artist's book features drawings by .-_-., Artist, Berk Asal, Göksu Kunak, Grandchild of K.M, Ingo Frischeisen, ilse, İz Öztat, James Cameron, Senem, the new generation, Yaso, Zelda Marx and 12 anonymous contributors made and dedicated to the public domain for the project Karl Marx From the Other Side on the occasion of the exhibition Underconstruction (2012, Apartment Project Berlin) and published on the occasion of the exhibition Kitabın Yazgısı “fata libelli” (2017, Karşı Sanat and Mephisto Bookstore İstanbul).

Encountering the iconic image of Karl Marx mostly in institutional settings dedicated to engineering the legacy of socialism in unified Berlin, we realized that all the simplified depictions of Marx are almost identical.

We chose such an iconic portrait of Marx drawn by Namık İsmail in 1919 for the first issue of Kurtuluş (Befreiung), which was a socialist journal published by “Turkish Spartacists” in Berlin. This drawing was reproduced as linoleum prints and given to contributors, who were asked to imagine and draw Marx from the other side.

This work is a minor gesture to speculate and reflect on the specters of Marx at a moment marked by late capitalism and immaterial production, which aims to encourage the need for re-evaluating Marx’s writing on industrial production within today’s Post-Fordist conditions beyond just an iconic image of Karl Marx that we are presented with.

All content is dedicated to the public domain.

the front cover of the book 'Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx Cilt 1: Berlin, 2012'. the back cover of the book 'Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx Cilt 1: Berlin, 2012'.

Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx / Cilt 1: Berlin, 2012

.-_-., Artist, Berk Asal, Göksu Kunak, Grandchild of K.M, Ingo Frischeisen, ilse, İz Öztat, James Cameron, Senem, the new generation, Yaso, Zelda Marx ve 12 anonim katılımcının desenleriyle

Click here for English Edition of this book

Bu sanatçı kitabı Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx projesi için Karl Marx’ı arkadan hayal edip çizmeye davet edilen 23 katılımcının Underconstruction sergisi (2012, Apartman Projesi Berlin) kapsamında ürettikleri ve kamusal bilgi alanına ithaf ettikleri desenlerden oluşmaktadır ve Kitabın Yazgısı “fata libelli” sergisi (2017, Karşı Sanat ve Mephisto Kitabevi, İstanbul) kapsamında yayınlanmıştır.

Sanatçı kitabı, 50 sayfa

Proje ve tüm içerik müellifleri tarafından kamusal bilgi alanına ithaf edilmiştir.


/ Baskı kalitesinde PDF dosyası. (78MB)
/ Ekran için daha düşük kaliteli PDF dosyası. (4.10MB)
/ Open Document Text (.odt) kaynak proje dosyası. (37.10MB/ Kaynak projede Source Sans Pro fontu kullanılmıştır.

/ Bu kitabın baskı kalitesinde PDF dosyasını Internet Archive sayfasından da indirebilirsiniz.

/ Kitabın ikinci cildi için tıklayın.

/ Kitabın İngilizce versiyonu için tıklayın.

Proje Hakkında:
Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx
İz Öztat & .-_-., 2012 & 2017

Bu sanatçı kitabı Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx projesi için .-_-., Artist, Berk Asal, Göksu Kunak, Grandchild of K.M, Ingo Frischeisen, ilse, İz Öztat, James Cameron, Senem, the new generation, Yaso, Zelda Marx ve 12 anonim katılımcının Underconstruction sergisi (2012, Apartman Projesi Berlin) kapsamında ürettikleri ve kamusal bilgi alanına ithaf ettikleri desenlerden oluşmaktadır ve Kitabın Yazgısı “fata libelli” sergisi (2017, Karşı Sanat ve Mephisto Kitabevi, İstanbul) vesilesiyle hazırlanmıştır.

Berlin duvarının yıkılmasından sonra sosyalist geçmişin nasıl hatırlanacağına yön veren kurumlarda karşımıza çıkan Karl Marx portrelerinin hemen hemen aynı ikonlaşmış imgeye dayandığını fark ettik.

1919 yılında, Berlin’de “Türk Spartakist”leri tarafından yayınlanan sosyalist Kurtuluş dergisinin ilk sayısı için Namık İsmail tarafından çizilmiş ikonik bir Karl Marx portresini linolyum baskı ile çoğalttık ve katılımcılardan bunun diğer tarafına Karl Marx’ı arkadan hayal edip çizmelerini istedik.

Diğer Taraftan Karl Marx projesi geç kapitalizm ve gayri-maddi üretimin hakim olduğu bir ortamda, Karl Marx’ın hayaletleri üzerine spekülasyon yapmaya davet ederek, bize sunulan ikonik Marx imgesinin ötesine geçip, Marx’ın endüstriyel üretim üzerine yazdıklarının, bugünkü Post-Fordist üretim koşullarında tekrar değerlendirilmesini teşvik eden küçük bir jest.

Proje ve tüm içerik müellifleri tarafından kamusal bilgi alanına ithaf edilmiştir.

the front cover of the book 'When you finish reading the title of this book, you will have read this book. Extended Second Edition the back cover of the book 'When you finish reading the title of this book, you will have read this book. Extended Second Edition

When you finish reading the title of this book, you will have read this book.
Extended Second Edition

by Lee Garcia

The extended second edition of the artist's book When you finish reading the title of this book, you will have read this book., which was published for the first time in 2016 on the occasion of the exhibition Un Coup de Dés Jamais N'Abolira Le Hasard (Pilot Gallery, 2016).

Artist's book, 724 pages

This book is dedicated to the public domain by Lee Garcia, 2017


/ Print quality PDF file (15MB)
/ Lower quality PDF file for screen (700KB)
/ Open Document Text(.odt) source project file (14.2MB/ The font used in the project file: DejaVu)

/ This book is also available on Internet Archive

/ This book is also available on the artist's website.

/ See also the First Edition of this book.

When you finish reading the title of this book, you will have read this book.
Extended Second Edition
by Lee Garcia, 2017

When you finish reading the title of this book, you will have read this book. is an artist's book by Lee Garcia published on the occasion of the exhibition Un Coup de Dés Jamais N'Abolira Le Hasard (Pilot Gallery, 2016) and this book is the extended second edition published in 2017 by HTTPpRESS.

the front cover of the book 'When you finish reading the title of this book, you will have read this book. the back cover of the book 'When you finish reading the title of this book, you will have read this book.

When you finish reading the title of this book, you will have read this book.

by Lee Garcia

An artist's book by Lee Garcia published on the occasion of the exhibition Un Coup de Dés Jamais N'Abolira Le Hasard (Pilot Gallery, 2016).

Artist's book, 36 pages

This book is dedicated to the public domain by Lee Garcia, 2016


/ Print quality PDF file (14.3MB)
/ Lower quality PDF file for screen (78.8KB)
/ Open Document Text(.odt) source project file (14.2MB/ The font used in the project file: DejaVu)

/ This book is also available on Internet Archive

/ This book is also available on the artist's website.

/ See also the Extended Second Edition of this book.

When you finish reading the title of this book, you will have read this book.
by Lee Garcia, 2016

This is an artist's book by Lee Garcia published on the occasion of the exhibition Un Coup de Dés Jamais N'Abolira Le Hasard (Pilot Gallery, 2016). There is also an Extended Second Edition of this book published in 2017 by HTTPpRESS.

the front cover of the book 'evoking the work to an adequate degree (after art in the mind)'. the back cover of the book 'evoking the work to an adequate degree (after art in the mind)'.

evoking the work to an adequate degree (after art in the mind)

by .-_-. & iz, 2013

PDF file of ART IN THE MIND publication abstracted by the performance of various OCR software. Produced on the occasion of the online exhibition ENACT in 2013.

Artist's book, 244 pages

Dedicated to the public domain.
by .-_-. & iz, 2013


/ Print quality PDF file (18.9MB)
/ Lower quality PDF file for screen (1.91MB)
/ Archive file (tar.gz) containing the master pdf files of each page and the Open Document Text(.odt) source project file for the back cover and (148MB/ The font used in the .odt project file: OCR-A)

/ This book is also available on Internet Archive

/ This book also available on the project's website.

evoking the work to an adequate degree (after art in the mind)
by .-_-. & iz, 2013

evoking the work to an adequate degree (after art in the mind) is an artist's book, a pdf file of the publication ART IN THE MIND abstracted by the performance of various OCR software. evoking the work to an adequate degree (after art in the mind) is one of the three works by .-_-. & iz produced within the context of the project gap, which was produced on the occasion of the online exhibition ENACTin 2013.

ART IN THE MIND is a publication of conceptual artworks that use letter-sized pages as their medium. a total of 300 copies were published in 1970 and 1971. most of the works were sent to the curator by mail to be included in the publication, which was the exhibition itself. ART IN THE MIND was curated by athena spear (tacha) and published by allen art museum, oberlin college.

gap, a project by .-_-. & iz, responds to ART IN THE MIND upon the invitation to participate in ENACT, which is an online exhibition organized as part of cleveland performance art festival 2013. the works junk e-mail on your request (after on kawara, paul kos), delivery failed and evoking the work to an adequate degree (after art in the mind) perform the gap in our perception of ART IN THE MIND 43 years after its conception, the gap between intellectual property and the commons, and the gaps that occur in describing and imagining the work.
gap is a work of art in the form of a link. it is exhibited within ENACT, the online exhibition for which it was developed, just as the audience has to leave the exhibition space to experience it in the directed domain, where the content is autonomously transformable by its authors continuously.

about the technical process // evoking the work to an adequate degree (after art in the mind) was initially created on GNU/Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) 64-bit). // The scan of the second edition of the book ART IN THE MIND, which was published by allen memorial art museum, oberlin college in 1971, was OCRed with OCRFeeder 0.7.9 using the OCR engines cuneiform 1.1.0+dfsg-2, gocr 0.49-1, tesseract-ocr 3.02.01-2 and ocrad 0.21-3 and exported to PDF (from scratch) and to .odt files, which are then exported to PDF with LibreOffice // OCRFeeder 0.7.9 was used with various auto and manual settings for recognition and export to achieve abstracted OCR results in PDFs on purpose, instead of using the settings for proper OCRs. A total of 8 OCRed PDF versions of the book were created. These source versions cannot be made available here according to conventional intellectual property laws since the book ART IN THE MIND is copyrighted and some pages in these versions are properly OCRed. // An “abstracted” version for each page was chosen, all pages were rotated to portrait and merged to a single pdf file using PdfShuffler 0.6.0. // The back cover page was created with LibreOffice using the font OCR-A 0.2. // Metadata information was added with pdftk 1.44-4build1 // Print and screen versions created with Moonshiner v1.0 // HTTPpRESS version created using later versions of some of those software.

credits // The original publication “ART IN THE MIND” was published by allen memorial art museum, oberlin college in 1970 (first edition) and in 1971 (second edition). All works appropriated from the publication are the copyright of the corresponding artists except for the work  “Obstructed” by Lawrence Weiner, which is labelled as Public Freehold, 1970. // OCRFeeder 0.7.9 by Joaquim Rocha (GNU GPLv3) // cuneiform 1.1.0+dfsg-2 by Jussi Pakkanen (BSD) // gocr 0.49-1 by Jörg Schulenburg and Bruno Barberi Gnecco (GNU GPL) // tesseract-ocr 3.02.01-2 by Google (Apache License 2.0) // ocrad 0.21-3 by Antonio Diaz Diaz(GNU GPLv3) // LibreOffice by The Document Foundation, Debian and Ubuntu (GNU LGPLv3) // PdfShuffler 0.6.0 by Konstantinos Poulios (GNU GPLv3) // OCR-A 0.2 by Matthew Skala (Public Domain) // pdftk 1.44-4build1 Sid Steward (GNU GPL v2) // Moonshiner v1.0 Benjamin Dumke (GNU GPLv3)

evoking the work to an adequate degree (after art in the mind) is dedicated to the the public domainby .-_-. & iz, 2013 and all content is available at