anonymous strangers asked the following question to other anonymous strangers using spy chat mode of omegle
you are welcome to exhibit any work of art you will make by either getting inspired or directly applying these proposals in the exhibition “contemporary art is for artists”: a peer production exhibition by anonymous strangers, which takes place at BOEM*, vienna between july 25th and august 9th, 2013.
click for more info about the exhibition
You’re now watching two strangers discuss your question!
Question to discuss:
“what would your contemporary art project proposal be if you were invited by a curator to participate in a contemporary art exhibition?”
proposal# 001
Stranger 1: WHAT?
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 002
Stranger 2: i would have a single toothbrush
Stranger 1: long words why
Stranger 2: hanging from the sky
Stranger 1: omg
Stranger 2: from a piece of floss
Stranger 1: dfsgj
Stranger 2: everyone would claim i was a genius
Stranger 2: and i would marry johnny depp and live with him on a secluded island forever
Stranger 1: oh
Stranger 2: thank you
Stranger 1: ok
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 003
Stranger 2: stop making us do your homework
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 004
Stranger 2: no
Stranger 1: I would make a machine that flies around and spits at people
Stranger 1: and then farts rainbows
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 005
Stranger 1: i would invite everyone
Stranger 1: get them there
Stranger 2: I actually think this is a creative question, thank you.
Stranger 1: and then interrupt it with some techie guys
Stranger 1: busting up in there
Stranger 1: running cat5 cable and stuff
Stranger 1: getting in everyone’s way
Stranger 2: Until Stranger bgan speaking nonsense…
Stranger 2: *began
Stranger 1: taking 5 hours
Stranger 1: to configure new software and stuff
Stranger 1: and it would be called
Stranger 2: You must be a computer person, aren’t you?
Stranger 2: Ouch.
Stranger 2: Contemporary art is for artists.
Stranger 1: oh ok
Stranger 1: the art part was throwing me off
Stranger 2: Clearly, don’t worry about it. You still did your best.
Stranger 1: you sure are close-minded for an artist
Stranger 1: did you even understand my joke?
Stranger 1: Installation art describes an artistic genre of three-dimensional works that are often site-specific and designed to transform a viewer’s perception of a space. Generally, the term is applied to interior spaces, whereas exterior interventions are often called Land art; however the boundaries between these terms overlap.
Stranger 2: Close minded. I did not say I am an artist.
Stranger 2: And,
Stranger 2: You proved me wrong.
Stranger 2: So bravo.
Stranger 2: I am impressed.
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 006
Stranger 1: Let me think for a moment…stranger can go first
Stranger 2: Live girls playing with them selfs
Stranger 1: An inverted cross with 2 nuns wearing close to nothing kissing themselves.
Stranger 1: Perhaps Jesus on the cross, not sure
Stranger 1: It would reppresent religious oppression
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 007
Stranger 2: i have no idea what that is
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 008
Stranger 2: what?
Stranger 2: i dont get it
Stranger 2: confusing!!!!!!
Stranger 1: Idon’tunderstand.
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 009
Stranger 2: hippies
Stranger 1: i don’t even understand that
Stranger 2: lol same
Stranger 1: heh
Stranger 2: I saw it earlier and some british queer explained it to me
Stranger 2: only a brit would know what it means.
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 010
Stranger 2: euh
Stranger 2: wait
Stranger 1: sounds too much like an extraordinarily shitty artist asking for help
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 011
Stranger 1: idk
Stranger 1: i am in an art school
Stranger 1: but i don’t do contemporary
Stranger 1: :/ i’m still at the stage where they let us do whatever the heel we want
Stranger 2: i’d probably masturbate on my dog and make him stand in the exhibition
Stranger 1: my art teacher would love that idea!
Stranger 1: :D
Stranger 1: thats great
Stranger 1: you should becoome an artist
Stranger 2: ok, well you can have it, go impress her
Stranger 1: you have so much potential
Stranger 1: not
Stranger 1: go fuck yourself
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 012
Stranger 2: no
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 013
Stranger 1: I no understand.
Stranger 2: i’m a real scientist so i don’t know
Stranger 1: Lol.
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 014
Stranger 2: Lolwut?
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 015
Stranger 1: I would throw stones at a painting
Stranger 1: and say it’s the end of modern art
Stranger 1: then i’d shoot paper stars from a papermaché bum
Stranger 1: which is painted purple
Stranger 2: That’s a way better idea than I was gonna say
Stranger 1: I know, art is so easy
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 016
Stranger 2: WHAT?
Stranger 2: o_o
Stranger 1: it would be
Stranger 1: lke this
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 017
Stranger 1: a buddha
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 018
Stranger 2: The art of not giving a fuck
Stranger 1: idk
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 019
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 020
Stranger 1: BRAINY
Stranger 2: a syringe full of moldy custard
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 021
Stranger 2: what
Stranger 1: lol
Stranger 2: not even gonna finish reading that shit
Stranger 1: well im not good with creative things
Stranger 1: so ill probably think something on wine
Stranger 1: or women
Stranger 1: thats more of a practical approach for me
Stranger 2: lol just do drugs and it’ll come to you
Stranger 2: I recomend heroin
Stranger 1: no
Stranger 2: recommend*
Stranger 1: im not a druggie
Stranger 1: well cigs and alcohol works for me
Stranger 2: I was talking to the guy who asked the question lol
Stranger 1: lol
Stranger 2: I like cigs, but I always throw up on the girl I’m trying to bone when I’m drunk
Stranger 1: ya creative people are druggies
Stranger 2: lol yeah
Stranger 1: so u can plan
Stranger 1: perfect match i guess
Stranger 1: hahaha
Stranger 2: haha straigh tup
Stranger 2: dude I want some mashed potatoes
Stranger 2: with butter
Stranger 2: mm
Stranger 1: well thats not my thing ya
Stranger 1: im a guy so u can probably find a girl
Stranger 1: to do the household work
Stranger 1: :D
Stranger 2: I’ve found a few, but for some reason they don’t like it when you puke on them lol
Stranger 2: ohh haha xD
Stranger 1: ya its disgusting actually
Stranger 2: I don’t even know what you’re talking about to be honest
Stranger 2: I just type shit
Stranger 2: haha
Stranger 1: so was i
Stranger 1: this is internet so it doesnt matter what u say or think
Stranger 2: yeah
Stranger 2: I like little boys
Stranger 2: haha
Stranger 1: pedo
Stranger 2: lol pedo bear
Stranger 1: im a man not a boy
Stranger 1: sorry hard luck
Stranger 2: oh you’re to old for me, I like them before the grass begins to grow
Stranger 2: you know what’s fun?
Stranger 1: i definately know whats fun more than u :D
Stranger 2: raping old woman? yeah I know, it’s a hoot
Stranger 1: whats your asl anyway ?
Stranger 2: oh
Stranger 2: it’s
Stranger 1: lol
Stranger 1: id never do that
Stranger 2: 16, male, califoria. And lol neither would I, I’m just fucking around
Stranger 2: cuz it’s OmEgLe!
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 022
Stranger 1: DIE
Stranger 1: DIE
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 023
Stranger 2: i would shit on the floor
Stranger 1: I would take a wshit on the curator and call it art
Stranger 2: it would be a commentary on how shitty contemporary art is
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 024
Stranger 1: Draw a dinosaur.
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 025
Stranger 2: ………………………………………….. …………….__„-~”¯¯:::,-~~-,_::::”-
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Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 026
Stranger 1: Doggy Style sculpture of the Queen and A Fluffy hatted soldier
Stranger 1: *english queen
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 027
Stranger 1: This is a horrible place to ask such a question.
Stranger 2: I’ve got some drawings I made while tweaked out of my mind…
Stranger 2: They’re pretty bizaare to look at.
Stranger 2: Might be worth an exhibit.
Stranger 1: Sounds like my family.
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 028
Stranger 2: FUCKIN|G
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 029
Stranger 1: hææ ?
Stranger 2: contemporary
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 030
Stranger 2: A Budah submersed in pee
Stranger 2: Full size
Stranger 1: i thought poo, but then you wouldnt see the buddha
Stranger 2: yeah
Stranger 2: Transend this you taoist basterd
Stranger 2: *wiz*
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 031
Stranger 2: im not an artist so i cant help you
Stranger 1: Er…
Stranger 2: maybe just spread some paint around on a page and call it “art”
Stranger 1: Considering modern art
Stranger 1: Probably a nice turd I found pretty inside a toilet.
Stranger 1: Then varnish the whole deal.
Stranger 2: lol XD
Stranger 2: too true. modern art is a joke
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 032
Stranger 1: the passage of time
Stranger 2: “Why Apple Pie Does not Fit Up my Anus, subtitle: A Brief Exploration of The Artist’s Anus.
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 033
Stranger 2: a painting of my bf with anything but paint
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 034
Stranger 1: make a bunch of pottery and then run in and smash them one by one
Stranger 1: have security chase me and everything
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 035
Stranger 1: yes
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 036
Stranger 2: SPAM
Stranger 1: A big pencil because wtf
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 037
Stranger 2: cheater
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 038
Stranger 2: wut
Stranger 2: idk
Stranger 2: sorry ;P
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 039
Stranger 2: I like those fancy words. They make me giggle.
Stranger 1: Well, I would take the physiological you and throw it
Stranger 1: … xD What..
Stranger 2: xxD
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 040
Stranger 1: it would be
Stranger 1: a massive pile of sand
Stranger 1: thats it.
Stranger 2: mine would be the different colours of wee that your wee goes when you eat/drink certain things
Stranger 1: thats a good one
Stranger 1: like in seperate vials?
Stranger 2: yep, it’d be in test tubes all lined up
Stranger 1: cool man
Stranger 2: and people would have to guess what the person had eaten/drank for it do go that shade of yellow
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 041
Stranger 1: idk what this means
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 042
Stranger 2: Dicks man
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 043
Stranger 2: video games
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 044
Stranger 1: What’s curator?
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 045
Stranger 2: dont know
Stranger 2: if you need tips
Stranger 2: why ask here
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 046
Stranger 2: Wow, I like this question
Stranger 1: hello
Stranger 1: you m/f
Stranger 2: M
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 047
Stranger 1: um no hippie
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 048
Stranger 2: most contemporary art is shit
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 049
Stranger 2: sex
Stranger 1: yes
Stranger 1: asl?
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 050
Stranger 1: what the..?
Stranger 2: I LOVE NIGGERS
Stranger 1: ^^^
Stranger 2: Seppel1968
Stranger 1: yes.
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 051
Stranger 1: How about
Stranger 1: Eagles talons shaped into a middle finger
Stranger 2: ^ Best idea.
Stranger 1: I win the million dollars.
Stranger 2: I SHIT YOU NOT
Stranger 1: :D
Stranger 2: You have won family fued stranger
Stranger 1: Why thank you
Stranger 2: You are very welcome
Stranger 1: Agh shit
Stranger 2: Shit what?
Stranger 1: I hear mice in my walls ;(
Stranger 1: I HATE MICE
Stranger 1: Yeah… They suck
Stranger 2: o-o Imagine if they are rats
Stranger 1: They’re mice.
Stranger 1: Nasty man
Stranger 2: And harder to remoe
Stranger 1: Like the ending of 1984
Stranger 2: *remove
Stranger 1: And fucking huge
Stranger 2: And I love you random citizen
Stranger 2: HAVE A NICE DAY :D
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 052
Stranger 1: how do you know if a piece of art is contempotary?
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 053
Stranger 2: an exhibition of pencils
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 054
Stranger 2: curator? arent those the things that make coffee and such?
Stranger 1: what you can do in a art project?
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 055
Stranger 2: blue canvas with black speck
Stranger 2: done.
Stranger 2: :)
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 056
Stranger 2: No.
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 057
Stranger 2: i dont get art
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 058
Stranger 2: um
Stranger 1: wat.
Stranger 1: a dinosaur! :D
Stranger 2: i’d pee on a canvas
Stranger 1: made of toothpicks. >:)
Stranger 2: then submit it to the art exhibition
Stranger 2: and say it’s art
Stranger 1: not piss
Stranger 1: xD.
Stranger 2: then I’d say it’s better than all the other painters out there today
Stranger 1: ^so true^
Stranger 2: and how the hell does the curator not enjoy my contemporary art
Stranger 1: yep.
Stranger 2: it relates to the experience of the youth
Stranger 2: and the hardship and struggles of life
Stranger 2: so piss on it
Stranger 1: because its the law
Stranger 2: yessir
Stranger 1: i’d piss on a canvas.
Stranger 1: if i had to
Stranger 1: ya know…’
Stranger 2: cool story bro
Stranger 1: yup.
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 059
Stranger 2: Do your own work faggot.
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 060
Stranger 1: I don’t understand art, so no idea
Stranger 2: Me neither, sorry
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 061
Stranger 1: You mean make art?
Stranger 2: um idk
Stranger 1: I only knew some of those words.
Stranger 1: I suck at art.
Stranger 1: ;_;
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 062
Stranger 2: ? what????
Stranger 1: whaaaaa?
Stranger 2: exactly
Stranger 2: ..
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 063
Stranger 2: poo
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 064
Stranger 2: I’d draw a dragon.
Stranger 1: I don’t even know what contemporary art is
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 065
Stranger 2: aha
Stranger 2: um
Stranger 1: i was already here..
Stranger 2: idk man i can’t even create my own art
Stranger 2: so i’m probably not going to be much help with someone else’s
Stranger 1: try using words people actually know next time
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 066
Stranger 2: FIRE! And lots of it!
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 067
Stranger 1: Hmm…
Stranger 1: Build the eiffel tower out of French Fries…
Stranger 1: Is that considered contemporary?
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 068
Stranger 1: what is art
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 069
Stranger 1: FUCK YOU
Stranger 2: A giant golden dildo.
Stranger 1: art is for people that want to live on the street
Stranger 1: its not a job
Stranger 2: With big ass vibrator that makes it spin around and clean wooden floors like a zoomba
Stranger 1: ^ gay
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 070
Stranger 1: lol dont steal our ideas
Stranger 2: yeah!
Stranger 2: xD
Stranger 1: come up with your own
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 071
Stranger 1: what?
Stranger 2: I will exibit the portrait of my dick
Stranger 1: sorry i cant understand
Stranger 1: asshole
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 072
Stranger 1: rather exquisite
Stranger 2: I would choose a lawn chair
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 073
Stranger 2: what?
Stranger 1: cheese
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 074
Stranger 2: dunno really
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 075
Stranger 1: who cares
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 076
Stranger 2: penis
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 077
Stranger 1: behind the screen is some twerp typing
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 078
Stranger 2: art
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 079
Stranger 2: None because I’m a lazy fuck.
Stranger 1: dunno i really dont know much about art…
Stranger 2: I’d probably steal someone else’s.
Stranger 2: More seriously, I don’t know, maybe a sculpture of a character?
Stranger 1: googling contemporary art wait a sec
Stranger 2: oh
Stranger 2: that’s like
Stranger 2: werid stuff.
Stranger 2: I’d probably make a blank thing and call it “the world” for some 2deep4u stuff.
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 080
Stranger 2: What
Stranger 1: no
Stranger 2: Sorry I don’t speak Italian
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 081
Stranger 2: I would draw
Stranger 2: ink
Stranger 2: black ink
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 082
Stranger 1: what
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 083
Stranger 1: something in the style of picasso
Stranger 2: a hot naked chick standing on a pedestal
Stranger 2: id flow some flowers around the floor and call it “art”
Stranger 1: probably analythic kubism
Stranger 2: omfg art studen
Stranger 1: lol
Stranger 2: DUDE
Stranger 1: those are the only art defenitions I Know :D
Stranger 1: I study economics
Stranger 2: hey
Stranger 2: I actually would like to ask you about that
Stranger 2: in all seriousness
Stranger 2: forget everything I’ve said before
Stranger 1: about what
Stranger 2: is that a good major?
Stranger 2: how easy is it? how quickly can it be completed
Stranger 1: well that depends on where you live, I don’t live in America
Stranger 2: I see
Stranger 1: However, it should be easy for everyone to do
Stranger 1: that is, if you’re interested in economics
Stranger 2: I think economics are boring
Stranger 2: do you agree?
Stranger 1: In my opinion, economics is the second most usefull major
Stranger 2: hmmmMmm
Stranger 2: but it probably requires you to take calculus
Stranger 2: right?
Stranger 1: Yes, here we have 56 hours of math per semester
Stranger 2: but, there still remains the question:
Stranger 2: is it boring?
Stranger 2: it may be useful, but do you think it’s interesting?
Stranger 1: It’s very usefull, but if you don’t have the feel for it, then don’t do it because it can be quite boring
Stranger 2: do YOU personally think it’s boring?
Stranger 1: no
Stranger 2: good
Stranger 2: good luck stranger
Stranger 1: thanks, you too
Stranger 2: I have a feeling you will go far
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 084
Stranger 1: lump of shit and say its about womens rights and global waarming
Stranger 1: thats pretty much what everyone else does right>
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 085
Stranger 1: idk
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 086
Stranger 1: um
Stranger 1: id draw a line
Stranger 1: and thats it
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 087
Stranger 1: LOL
Stranger 1: AND.
Stranger 1: ART.
Stranger 1: I’M OUT.
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 088
Stranger 2: no because moder art sucsk
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 089
Stranger 1: A dog
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 090
Stranger 2: jerk off
Stranger 1: Spray painted bananas.
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 091
Stranger 2: a freshly-dead body, posed to make a statement
Stranger 2: about the human condition
Stranger 2: and about soft drinks
Stranger 2: and maybe some brands of toothpaste
Stranger 2: modern art is the biggest fucking pile of pure shit in the world
Stranger 1: well for contemporary art. a nude painting. oil on canvas.
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 092
Stranger 2: right
Stranger 1: your cheese
Stranger 2: have a good life…
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 093
Stranger 2: ANAL SEX
Stranger 2: inside a giant rectum
Stranger 1: How would that be an art project?
Stranger 1: would you mold a giant anus out of clay?
Stranger 1: and shove a clay penis inside of it?
Stranger 2: some type of composite
Stranger 2: and the gallery would be inside
Stranger 1: The art gallery would be inside the anus?
Stranger 2: inside the rectum
Stranger 1: Are you saying art is shitty?
Stranger 2: Im sure someone would say that
Stranger 1: Haha
Stranger 1: I think a lot of people would think that
Stranger 2: Id just do it for the anal sex
Stranger 1: Is that how they would pay you?
Stranger 1: By fucking you in the ass?
Stranger 2: Id pay them
Stranger 1: By fucking them up the ass?
Stranger 2: yea
Stranger 1: Ah ok
Stranger 2: plus Id be sponsored by pysillum fiber
Stranger 1: Right because of the anus and rectum and all
Stranger 2: u got it
Stranger 2: so can I count on u?
Stranger 1: Should also have free rectal exams there too
Stranger 1: with admission
Stranger 2: nice
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 094
Stranger 1: already answered
Stranger 2: me too
Stranger 2: so
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 095
Stranger 2: ummm
Stranger 1: Idk
Stranger 2: some sort of phot booth project
Stranger 2: photo*
Stranger 1: The others were easy to answer I just don’t know this one
Stranger 1: Asl?
Stranger 2: f21
Stranger 1: Yeah I figured you were a female
Stranger 2: the tits gav it away huh
Stranger 1: :) if only if only
Stranger 2: lol
Stranger 2: a/s?
Stranger 1: M 17 usa
Stranger 2: ah no titty action yet huh
Stranger 1: Hmm depends on what you mean?
Stranger 2: u dont get any action
Stranger 1: C
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 096
Stranger 1: I like trains
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 097
Stranger 1: Something simple and off.
Stranger 2: welding, lots of welding
Stranger 1: A green flower, made of copper.
Stranger 1: A green rose.
Stranger 1: Made of copper.
Stranger 2: sparks and flames
Stranger 1: Nope.
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 098
Stranger 2: ne dion garda??
Stranger 1: my own shit smeared on a brick wall
Stranger 2: malsn garda? ne diimm
Stranger 1: ENGLISH
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 099
Stranger 1: A dick
Stranger 2: a tiger
Stranger 1: A giant dick
Stranger 2: well thats delicious
Stranger 2: nice talk
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 100
Stranger 1: what the fuck is your problem
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 101
Stranger 2: what
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 102
Stranger 1: a sheep with no legs
Stranger 2: I would probably want to do something along the lines of a serpentine figure.
Stranger 1: you can call it the cloud and it will sell for millions
Stranger 2: Ehehe
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 103
Stranger 2: Spaghetti
Stranger 2: Everywhere
Stranger 1: take a shit on a canvas
Stranger 2: Shit on a pile of spaghetti
Stranger 1: than apllies on canvas
Stranger 2: and put some horsemeat on top for added relevancy
Stranger 1: then apllied*
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 104
Stranger 1: what?
Stranger 2: dog poo
Stranger 1: dance
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 105
Stranger 2: I might as well be out in space
Stranger 2: Aww yeah
Stranger 2: Hah
Stranger 1: haha no clue
Stranger 2: UP SO CLOSE
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 106
Stranger 2: something gay
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 107
Stranger 2: Hmm.
Stranger 2: I don’t know.
Stranger 2: Actually.
Stranger 2: I was thinking about this the other day.
Stranger 2: I’d attach one of those cameras used for extreme sport to my chest
Stranger 1: dont think
Stranger 2: Oh?
Stranger 1: just fuck urself?
Stranger 2: Bro.
Stranger 2: That’s not cool.
Stranger 1: so
Stranger 2: Why are you so angry? Is there anything you want to talk about?
Stranger 1: r u female?
Stranger 1: if not sorry
Stranger 2: No, but why are you here to meet women? Why don’t you take a yoga class,or go to a nightclub? OH RIGHT, YOU’RE 14 AND LIVE WITH YOUR PARENTS. SHIT I BET YOU’RE NOT EVEN IN SHAPE FAGGOT
Stranger 2: ahahaha
Stranger 2: fucking loser kid
Stranger 2: Guess what
Stranger 1: hmhm
Stranger 2: Even after school, you’ll still be a nerd
Stranger 1: nothing
Stranger 2: you might as well kill yourself now
Stranger 2: do
Stranger 2: it
Stranger 2: please
Stranger 2: I beg of you
Stranger 2: Do us all a favour
Stranger 1: what
Stranger 2: I kind of feel sick that I have to share this planet with you
Stranger 2: I tell you whaT
Stranger 2: Build and time machine
Stranger 2: and abort yourself
Stranger 1: pardon
Stranger 2: Just end your own life.
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 108
Stranger 1: Not sure.
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 109
Stranger 2: sleep
Stranger 1: It would be: do your own homework.
Stranger 2: asl
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 110
Stranger 1: Again with the same damn question
Stranger 2: i have no idea what kind of vocabulary this is
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 111
Stranger 1: uhh thats hard
Stranger 2: i dont know i cant even draw a stickman right
Stranger 1: that could be your proposal
Stranger 1: “cant draw”
Stranger 1: and then a gallery filled with sticks
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 112
Stranger 2: u male or female
Stranger 1: i would be art, because who is more beauteous than i?
Stranger 1: male
Stranger 2: i go artk
Stranger 1: u?
Stranger 2: same
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 113
Stranger 2: hmm
Stranger 1: Da booty?
Stranger 2: I think it would involve the use of food as modern art
Stranger 2: since I’ve written on that subject before
Stranger 1: Johnlock fan art?
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 114
Stranger 1: Erhm
Stranger 1: I’m a musician
Stranger 1: I once saw a painting in a modern art museum called “Black”
Stranger 1: It was a huge canvas painted just black
Stranger 1: It was dumb
Stranger 1: Good luck with your art though!
Stranger 1: Bye
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 115
Stranger 2: dicks dicks everywhere
Stranger 1: flaccid penis
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 116
Stranger 1: idk
Stranger 2: penises
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 117
Stranger 1: I would put mud in a cardboard box, throw some glitter on it, then cover it in hairspray.
Stranger 2: o rlly
Stranger 1: I totally bet you that some idiot will think it’s meaningful art.
Stranger 2: XD
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 118
Stranger 2: If i understood that i would answer
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 119
Stranger 2: Participate
Stranger 2: What the hell
Stranger 2: Sounds sus
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 120
Stranger 2: hell no
Stranger 2: modern art sucks
Stranger 1: Modern art really do suck
Stranger 1: But it depends
Stranger 1: is the curator hot?
Stranger 2: yeah i mean if the curator hot
Stranger 1: Does she want the D
Stranger 2: damn
Stranger 2: fuck yeah
Stranger 1: Then fuck the art
Stranger 1: Fuck her
Stranger 2: but then again all fucking hipster art bitches are ugly
Stranger 2: dreadlocks
Stranger 2: cheap monday jeans
Stranger 2: herbal tea and all that shit
Stranger 2: converse
Stranger 2: bleh
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 121
Stranger 1: i would go
Stranger 1: with three hot bitches under my arms
Stranger 2: I would spread my ass cheeks then. THat’s what modern art is now
Stranger 1: a golden cane
Stranger 1: a fur coat
Stranger 1: a purple top hat
Stranger 2: I would pour spaghetti-o’s into my vagina
Stranger 1: take a picture of that with your iphone and some old german dude will buy it for 2mil
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 122
Stranger 1: Fuckofff
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 123
Stranger 2: 60% of time, it works every time
Stranger 1: tracy emin
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 124
Stranger 2: hu
Stranger 1: uh
Stranger 2: Brofist
Stranger 1: pewds for life
Stranger 2: Well, i will probably giving a try spy.
Stranger 1: good luck with that
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 125
Stranger 2: ha?
Stranger 1: What the f***? O.o
Stranger 2: i don’t understand
Stranger 2: what kind of proposal?
Stranger 1: Me too
Stranger 1: Maybe we should discuss another question.
Stranger 1: What do you prefer boobs or ass?
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 126
Stranger 2: fuck you on a big piece of paper
Stranger 1: glue yourself to the wall
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 127
Stranger 2: i’d fling my feces at a canvas
Stranger 2: and call it modern art
Stranger 2: no wait
Stranger 2: i’d let a blind autistic girl fling my feces instead
Stranger 2: that’ll sell better
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 128
Stranger 1: tomatoes
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 129
Stranger 2: shit
Stranger 2: i’d draw a very complex printed circuit
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 130
Stranger 1: I’d get as many people in the neighbourhood to ejaculate onto the walls
Stranger 2: i like sculptures of things made from other things
Stranger 1: It’d be a collaborative installation
Stranger 2: hahahaha thats cool too
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 131
Stranger 2: The best piece of art………. My dick
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 132
Stranger 2: fapping to the oldies
Stranger 1: Modern violence
Stranger 1: dunno
Stranger 1: weird fetishes
Stranger 2: so jerking off is modern violence to ones self
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 133
Stranger 1: that doesnt even make any sense
Stranger 2: Ok… I’ve got nothing!
Stranger 1: english please?
Stranger 2: Does so.. I understand what’s being asked!
Stranger 1: explain
Stranger 2: If you had an Art show… What would it be about!
Stranger 1: me
Stranger 2: Well of course you!!! LOL
Stranger 2: It’s your art how could it not be about you!!
Stranger 2: What do you want to show people!! :D
Stranger 1: because im to sexy for an art show
Stranger 1: i want to show people me
Stranger 2: LOL… Ok… So a show with your underwear??
Stranger 1: the person reading our conversation sems like a smart bitch
Stranger 1: hell yeah
Stranger 1: are you even a guy?
Stranger 2: Bitch??? I don’t know…. It seems to me like they might be reaching for the finals presentation
Stranger 2: They can’t reply to us!
Stranger 1: your smart to :|
Stranger 1: i know they cant
Stranger 1: how old are you?
Stranger 2: 28… Smart huh??? That really depends on who you ask!!
Stranger 1: pedo
Stranger 2: Huh??
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 134
Stranger 1: ballsak
Stranger 2: i would show my penis
Stranger 1 has disconnected
proposal# 135
Stranger 2: finally, a question worth answering
Stranger 1: Then lets hear it
Stranger 1: I have nothing
Stranger 1: Except maybe some sarcasm
Stranger 1: I’ll be nice
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 136
Stranger 2: puppies
Stranger 2: more
Stranger 1: A giant ball of awesome.
Stranger 2: puppies
Stranger 1: With ironic humor.
Stranger 2 has disconnected
proposal# 137
Stranger 1: a blank sheet of paper
Stranger 1: I’d title it, “Nothing”
Stranger 2: blank sheet of paper
Stranger 2: tittle it, ” close up of albino”
Stranger 1: LOL
Stranger 1 has disconnected